Take HRM’s Cart-Based Garbage Collection Survey

Side-by-side, a compost and garbage bin. This could soon be a common feature of residences in HRM. (iStock photo)

HRM is testing public response to possible introduction of a new cart-based garbage collection program, along the lines of the green cart program for compostable waste.

What do you think of the idea? Let HRM staff know by Dec 20.

Developers of a new Garbage/Organics Automated Cart-Based Collection Implementation Plan are looking for input from the current survey. HRM staff are due to present the implementation plan to Halifax Regional Council this spring.

Learn more about HRM’s ongoing Solid Waste Strategy Review: https://www.shapeyourcityhalifax.ca/solid-waste-strategy-review

Take the survey: https://www.shapeyourcityhalifax.ca/solid-waste-strategy-review/surveys/swcart

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