Would You Welcome Cart-Based Garbage Collection?

Photo caption for image showing lime green truck and garbage bins with orange lids: This garbage truck uses a hydraulic arm to lift and empty the bins. The driver works alone and never leaves the truck. (iStock photo)

Let HRM know. Take the survey, before it ends, Dec.20

HRM wants to know what you think about possible introduction of a new cart-based garbage collection program. It would work like the green cart program for compostable waste. The survey deadline is Dec. 20th. 

Reasons given for the initiative include, health and safety considerations, citizen convenience, and reduction in bird and animal scavenging and associated litter. A growing number of municipalities are also adopting the concept and it modernizes waste collection infrastructure, which isn’t as labour intensive.

Cart-based garbage collection would help HRM align its solid waste system with its climate change action plan and help HRM meet its goal of reducing its solid waste disposal rate to 300 kg per capita by 2030.

Take the survey: https://www.shapeyourcityhalifax.ca/solid-waste-strategy-review

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