Halifax Waste Resource Society

Halifax Waste Resource Society

The Halifax Waste/Resource Society was established in 1999 to represent the interests of residents with respect to the Otter Lake Landfill. The Society is registered under the Nova Scotia Society’s Act. An agreement between the Society and Halifax Regional Municipality established the Otter Lake Community Monitoring Committee.

There are 9 Directors of the Society, elected by its members at the Annual General Meeting. Each of the 9 Directors also sits on the Community Monitoring Committee.

Volunteer Directors of Halifax Waste Resource Society:

Reg Rankin Timberlea
Channing Davis Beechville
Andrew Giles Dartmouth
Tom Robertson Hubley
John Cascadden Hubley
Peter Lund Dartmouth
Ranjeer Copra Clayton Park


Some important documents:

Annual General Meeting Archives:

Minutes are posted after they are approved.

2023 – Minutes

2022 – Minutes

2021 – Minutes

2020 – Minutes

2019 – Minutes

2018 – Minutes

2017 – Minutes

2016 – Minutes

2015 – Minutes